welcome to the genderfluid carrd!!

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being genderfluid; explained by genderfluid folks

iris: being genderfluid is not being limited to just one pronoun makes me feel free and happier than i was before, i guess what genderfluid means is fluctuating between multiple genders, its under the nonbinary spectrum so we are apart of the family as well! some genderfluid people may identity with one specific gender for whatever they're feeling and some genderfluid people like myself just go by any pronouns and dont mind what other people call them. i think sometimes it also is based on this social situation like some people dont want strangers calling them by the pronouns they were assigned at born, some of them prefer being called they/them or whatever pronoun they feel comfortable with strangers and would rather have close friends call them any pronoun they want. you'd also have to kind of ask a genderfluid what pronouns to use when talking to them, but each genderfluid is different ofc

miri: honestly, it feels kinda different from when i was a ‘woman’. some days i wake up and feel like a ‘girl’ or nothing at all, but when i feel like a ‘boy’ it usually comes out through the day. sometimes it even depends on what i’m wearing and how i dress for the day. when i feel like boy, i mostly do more masculine things. i’m still trying to come to terms that i’m genderfluid because there’s so many people that say there are only 2 genders and that makes me feel invalid, but honestly no one should be be afraid!!

jax: in a way, me being genderfluid the nicest and most amazing thing ever, because i finally know who i am as a person. but i guess its quite hard for me personally(im not speaking for everyone!). i'm not out yet and only a few of my closest friends know that im genderfluid and my pronouns are she/they, in which i prefer they/them over she/her so it sucks at time since my identity usually is super fluid and somedays i might identify is a girl, other days i'll cringe so badly if someone tried to talk to me and say "hey girl!". once again, that's just my own thought to this and i cant speak for everyone! :)

leo: for me being genderfluid is constantly seeking for conformity in your gender identity . there are days where i wake up feeling like a woman and there are also moments when i identify as a man , both, or neither at all !!  i identify as any gender based on how i feel and how perceive myself. tho being genderfuild is different for other people ,, some identify as a different gender every day , some stick to a gender for a long period of time, there are people who are still confused about what they should identify as and that's totally fine !! genderfluid people can identify as any gender wherever and whenever they want and when its appropriate for them

maple: genderfluidity is a spectrum, and for me that' the easiest way to describe my gender identity; "a spectrum". all genderfluid folks are different which means not every genderfluid person's gender fluctuates between the binary genders, if you have doubts about their gender identity be respectful and take into account that if they don't want to share that with you they don't have to.
it took me a while to find a label for my gender so when i found out what genderfluid means it just clicked for me. i hope this carrd apart from educating people, helps someone who's struggling with their gender identity<3

what is genderfluid

Genderfluid is a gender identity which refers to a gender which varies over time. A genderfluid person's identity may change constantly, so it's always best to ask what they are in that moment. keep reading

Genderfluid is an identity under the multigender, nonbinary, and transgender umbrellas. Genderfluid individuals have different gender identities at different times. keep reading

More sources:
genderfluid 1
genderfluid 2
genderfluid and genderqueer

before we continue, do you understand what nonbinary means?
yes ---------------------- no

what is nonbinary?

nonbinary means any gender identity that is not strictly male or female all the time, and so does not fit whitin the gender binary. more

Nonbinary is a spectrum and an umbrella term that encompasses identities such as genderfluid, agender, bigender, etc; it is not a singular identity. more

Other sources:
nonbinary (genderwiki)
nonbinary misconceptions
nonbinary identities


even though pronouns don't always equal gender, for genderfluid folks pronouns could change depending on their gender identity at the time, so ask your genderfluid friends what pronouns they're comfortable with.
there's no way to tell how often you should ask a genderfluid person what pronouns they're comfortable with because everyone is different, and everyone's gender fluctuation is different. some genderfluid folks might have a pronoun they're always comfortable with but as explained, everyone is different so you shouldn't generalize.
pronouns can also variate, don't assume genderfluid folks only use she, he or they, they can also use neopronouns and xenopronouns.

gender expression

genderfluid people, just as any other nonbinary folks, can present themselves however they want because gender expression does not equal gender identity. they don't have to look androgynus. they can wear whatever they want, whatever makes them comfortable and that doesn't makes them any more or less genderfluid.


genderfluid folks have all the sexualities everyone else has.
genderfluid folks are nonbinary, which means we are and have always been included in all sexualities; gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, straight, queer, etc.

here's a carrd about genderfuild lesbians


genderfluid lesbian

genderfluid bi

genderfluid pan

i couldn't find a genderfuild gay flag, if you have one pls dm me

how to know if im genderfluid

there are no tests or checklists, it's your identity and only you can put a label on it.
if you feel like the genderfluid lable is the one that most defines your gender and makes you feel comfortable then use it.
you are so valid and loved and i hope this carrd helped you<3

thank you so much for reading this carrd and educating yourself, please remember to be respectful to all the nonbinary identities.
i hope you have a great day (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。


if you have any doubts or comments here are my socials:

I need your help :') if you can speak another lenguage and want to help me translate this carrd please dm me, i want this carrd to reach people from all over the world so pls if you can and have time let me know i will appreciate that so much <33